The Love to Dream™ Blog

The Sleep Centre

Articles you can relate to & advice you can trust.

Sleep Centre

The UNIQUE Design of a SWADDLE UP™
Medial research suggests that swaddling is beneficial in helping newborns to sleep better. Unlike traditional  swaddles that keep a baby's arms by their side or across their chest, the unique ARMS UP™ design of our SWADDLE UP™ has patented 'wings' that allow a baby to sleep in their natural ARMS UP™ position. This means your baby can easily touch their face & suck on their hands & fingers for true SELF-SOOTHING™.
Is swaddling safe for sleeping?
The NCT is asked if “swaddling is safe” and their response is that swaddling is safe, but it is not without risks, and parents must continue to make informed decisions and observe safe sleep practises. (NCT, 2016) The most important one being that babies are always placed on their backs to sleep.