Real Mum Stories: With Rebecca

Hello! I’m Rebecca, 24 years old and living in North Yorkshire with my 2 beautiful son’s Alfie and Woody and my Fiancé Steve. I’m a stay at home mummy. I have a successful Instagram account and YouTube channel related to my lifestyle, beauty, fashion and other bits in between such as my crazy non-stop mummy life.



What were your very first thoughts after your baby was born?
I just felt so full of love and happiness, I was in a little bubble with both the boys. It’s hard to know what to expect but it’s an amazing feeling seeing your little ones for the first time.

Did you settle quickly into a routine with your baby? If so, do you think it worked well for you?
Yes I think we got into a routine pretty quickly, I’m all about routine life so I knew from the get go that we needed to have one in place. Touch wood, both boys are good sleepers and I think a structured routine really helps.

How soon after your baby was born did you begin to swaddle your baby?
As soon as Woody was born. On his first night home, we had him sleeping in a swaddle suit.

How did you come to know about Love To Dream™?
Through seeing lots of activity on social media and then working with the lovely ladies at Cheeky Rascals.

Do you feel like using the Love To Dream™ range of products has made a positive impact on you and your baby’s sleep?
Yes definitely! Woody sleeps in the Swaddle UP throughout the night and it helps him to sleep so much better and for longer.

What is the one thing you wish you’d known before you became a parent?
The importance of being grateful for the small things in life- you never know what is around the corner so I just try to enjoy life more.

Three words to describe life before parenthood and three to describe life post-parenthood?
Before – boring, time wasting, relaxing (at times)
After – busy, exciting, fulfilling

What is the one piece of advice you’d like to offer new parents or parents-to-be?
Enjoy every second with your little ones, even the sleepless nights. Try to enjoy time for yourself and with your partner because being a parent is a full time job.

Rebecca Lamb insta

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